NATURE At Tryon Farm



Living within and among nature is an integral part of the Tryon Farm community. Natural habitats are important for both the health of the ecosystem as well as the physical, emotional, and mental health of people.

The Tryon Farm community is dedicated to protecting, restoring and respecting the local native habitat.

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There are simple ways you can support and respect the nature found at Tryon Farm:

  • Don't litter and pick up trash if you find it

  • Put all food waste in a secure trash container

  • Keep all pets on a leash

  • Stay on established paths when hiking around the property

  • Don’t pick the wildflowers

  • Other than bird feeders, don’t leave out food or directly feed any of the animals

  • Plant only flora species native to northern Indiana

ALL of the images of nature on this site were taken at Tryon farm